Uday Kumar
2 min readMar 28, 2022


Relax. God is Here. Receive Joy. Pass it On.

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them (Psalm 8)?”. There are two billion stars and six billion earths in the Milky Way, all living in harmony….. it takes one hundred thousand light years to travel from one end of this Milky Way galaxy to the other, and Milky Way is just one of 100 billion such galaxies. “He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them (Psalm 147). Surely, this God who created this universe is able to touch and heal a body, a broken relationship, a disappointment, or give joy, or stop a war or subdue Vladimir Putin.

I have two people who have consistently been on the negative side of my thought life lately. One is a business partner with whom we were in business together. We have discovered major financial inappropriateness, leaving the business in difficulties, along with emotional hurt… The other has been Vladimir Putin. I have often prayed with deep emotions that God would just twist his head off, strike him. The start of my own healing is examining my own heart on what God would want for them and then asking if I could be part of this collective healing and restoration process, forgiveness, being present and blessing them.

Reading Agnes Sanford’s The Healing Light, God seems to be saying, “Relax. [Because] God is here. Breath. Because he is able to give you life, joy, peace, courage, regardless of your circumstances and disappointments. Receive his joy, his life, his strength, his support. Breath. Breath. Receive joy. Share joy, love, life. Nothing else matters. You can only share something of value with anyone, if you first received this joy. Pass this on to others after you receive it. This completes your life.”

A picture that depicts this meditation above is below:

When I pray for Vladimir Putin, I imagine God standing on the left side, facing the same direction as Vladimir, his right hand on the left shoulder of Vladimir and saying, “Vladimir, I love you. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Relax. Breath.” And when I pray for my former business partner I pray for his sense of security and well-being. I believe I have a part to play as well. I have to be present, and we have talked. I have to consider the good things as well. There is much more work to do.

*Artwork by Jennifer Mak.



Uday Kumar

I am a nomad seeking green pastures. I am lost yet not completely. I have a purpose, yet too weak. He who made me, provides direction daily. Journey with me!